Thursday 16 May 2024

Nizami dum chicken

Recipe adapted from here
Chicken- 800 gms, with bone, cut into medium size pieces

Yoghurt= 3 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste- 1/2 tbsp
Garam masala- 3/4th tsp
Cumin powder- 1/2 tsp
Pepper powder- 1 tsp
Turmeric powder- 1/2 tsp
Chilli powder- 1 tbsp (more if you want it spicy)
Coriander powder- 1 tsp
Salt- to taste

Ghee- 1/2 tbsp
Oil- 1 tbsp
Cinnamon- 1 inch piece
Black cardamom- 1
Bay leaf- 1
Coriander seeds- 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds- 1/2 tsp
Fried onions- 1/2 cup ( i used store bought friend onions)
Cashews- 1/4 cup, soaked in water for 15 minutes, and ground to a fine paste
Kasuri methi- 1 tsp
Coriander leaves-1/4 cup, roughly chopped.
Marinate the cut chicken with all the ingredients under marinade.

Heat ghee and oil in a pan and add the whole spices.
When they start to sizzle, add the marinated chicken and fry on medium high heat for a few seconds.
Add the fried onions, mix well and cook covered for about 5 minutes.
Once the water is released, add around 1/2 to 3/4th cup of warm water and cover and cook on medium heat till the chicken is done. Stir in between, and add more water if required.
Mix the cashew paste followed by kasuri methi.
Simmer for another 5 more minutes and once the gravy becomes thick, add the coriander leaves.
Take it off heat and cover and leave till ready to serve.
Notes: This is an excellent chicken curry, especially to make on days when you are short on time. 
Not a lot of prep to be done, just the marinade and if you have store bought fried onions, then you are sorted.
The cashew paste, brings it all together. But I'm going to try it with coconut milk next time.
I've posted a step by step reel on Instagram

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Brazilian lemonade

Serves 4
Whole limes- 2, properly washed and cut into wedges with skin intact (remove the hard white pith which makes it bitter)
Cold water- 2 cups
Condensed milk- 1/2 a tin
Ice cubes- to serve

Into a blender add all the ingredients except ice cubes.
Blend for about 10 to 12 seconds, not more.
Strain into glasses, add a few ice cubes and serve cold.

Notes: Make sure you dont blend it for too long, or else the lemonade will end up tasting bitter.
Some of the lime wedges may not get fully blended and thats fine, just strain and use.
Adjust the condensed milk as per taste. It is a little on the sweeter side but thats how i like it.
Stays fine in the refrigerator for a day. The mix will separate, but just give it a good mix and it will be absolutely fine.

Friday 28 April 2023

One bowl blueberry buckle

Recipe adapted from here

Unsalted butter- 113 gms, roughly sliced
Plain flour- 1cup
Baking powder- 1 1/2 tsp
Salt- 3/4th tsp
Granulated sugar- 1 cup
Whole milk- 1 cup
Vanilla extract- 1 tsp
Blueberries- 3/4th cup (frozen or fresh)

Preheat the oven to 190c.
Put the sliced butter into a 9x5inch loaf pan and place in the oven to melt.
Once fully melted, remove from the oven and keep aside. 
Whisk together all the remaining ingredients, except blueberries, till you get a smooth batter. (I first mix the dry ingredients and then mix in the milk and vanilla, but totally not needed. I do it out of practise)
Pour the mix into the loaf pan and roughly mix it with the whisk itself. Dont go crazy whisking it, there should still be large traces of butter visible, which is what gives fabulous buttery edges to the buckle.
Place it back into the oven and bake for about 50 to 55 minutes, or till a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. It should be nice and brown all over.
Place on a cooling rack and serve as slices or scoop it out and serve with ice cream.

Notes: The original recipe calls for self-raising flour, so omit baking powder in which case.
The buckle does buckle a bit once it cools down, so dont be alarmed.
Once my 50 minutes was up, i did reduce the temp to 170 and bake for another 5 more minutes, but i didnt think it was actually needed. So 50 minutes at 190 was the perfect timing for me
This is a stupidly easy recipe, everything prepped and cooked in under an hr really.
I like to serve it slightly warm. The caramelised buttery edges are really tasty.

Saturday 25 September 2021

Chilly pork

Pork- 500 gms, cut into cubes (equal quantity of belly pieces and shoulder or just belly is also fine)
Chinese 5 spice seasoning- 1/2 tbsp
Dark soy sauce- 1/2 tbsp
Ginger garlic paste- 1/2 tbsp
Pepper- 1 tsp
Salt- to taste

Oil- 1 tbsp
Ginger- 1 tbsp, grated
Garlic- 1 tbsp roughly chopped
Green chillies- 2, slit (adjust according to taste)
Spring onions- 3, chopped (just the white bits, keep the green aside for garnishing)
Tomato- 1 small, finely chopped
Bell pepper- a little more than 1/4 cup, cut into 1 inch squares
Onions- 1 small, petals separated and cut into 1 inch squares
Dark soy sauce- around 1/2 tbsp
Chilli sauce- 1 tsp (optional)

Mix all the ingredients from pork to salt in a pressure cooker and cook until done. I dont add any water, but if you want you can add a dash.
I cook on high till one whistle and then reduce heat to low and cook for a further 12 to 13 minutes. Wait for the pressure to release and then open the lid.
Once you open, if you find a lot of water, cook it off on high heat with just a wee bit of gravy remaining, around 1/4 cup liquid.

In a large wok, heat the oil and throw in ginger, garlic green chillies and spring onion whites till fragrant around 4 to 5 minutes on medium high heat.
Add the chopped tomato and cook for a further 3 minutes.
Add the bell pepper and onions and mix it all well. Cook for 5 minutes.
Add the cooked pork along with all the juices and give a mix with all the vegetables.
Reduce heat to medium, add the dark soy sauce and chilli sauce (and salt if needed) and fry the pork.
Keep stirring in between and cook till the oil surfaces and the pork is roasted well.
Garnish with spring onion greens and serve with your favourite noodle or fried rice.

Notes: This dish is best with belly pork as the fat renders the taste.
Roasting the pork on medium heat till the oil surfaces is key.
Leave a bit of the pork in the wok and add a cup of cooked rice to it and stir fry on high for a few minutes to get an incredibly flavourful fried rice.

Thursday 23 September 2021

Brinjal fry

Adapted from here (Serves 2 as part of side dish)
Gingelly oil- 1 1/2 tbsp
Garlic- 3 large, crushed
Baby brinjal- 6, quartered or 1 small aubergine
Turmeric powder- 1/4 tsp
Chilli powder- 3/4th tsp
Salt- to taste
Curry leaves- a sprig

To grind
Mustard seeds- 1/2 tsp
Cumin seeds- 1/2 tsp
Coriander seeds- 1 tsp
Fenugreek seeds- 1/4 tsp

Heat the oil in  kadai and saute the garlic till slightly crisp.
Add the sliced brinjal and saute to coat the pieces in oil.
Add the turmeric powder and salt and cook for a couple of minutes.
Now add the chilli powder, mix well and cover and cook till the brinjal is 3/4th cooked. Stir in between and make sure they dont burn.
Meanwhile, dry roast everything under the 'to grind' section till fragrant.
Cool a bit and grind to a powder.
Once the brinjal is more or less cooked, open lid and add the masala powder along with a dash of water, if needed (to make sure the masalas dont burn)
Saute on medium heat for a few minutes- roast the aubergines in the masala.
Add the curry leaves, close with a lid and take off heat.
Keep aside for 10 minutes after which give a good mix and serve warm with curd rice.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Bahama Mama banana rum cake

Recipe adapted from here
For the cake
Pecans- 3/4th cup
Butter, unsalted- 1 1/2 cups, at room temperature
Caster sugar- 1 3/4 cups
Brown sugar- 3/4th cup
Eggs- 5 medium
Banana- 1 cup, mashed (very ripe)
Vanilla extract- 2 tsp
Dark rum- 3 tbsp
Plain flour- 3 cups
Baking soda- 1 tsp
Baking powder- 1 tsp
Salt- 1 tsp
Yoghurt- 3/4th cup

Rum glaze
Butter- 1/2 cup
Water- 1/4 cup
Brown sugar- 1/4 cup
Caster sugar- 1/4 cup
Dark rum- 1/2 cup

Preheat oven to 175C and generously grease a large bundt pan with cooking spray or butter. Make sure you get it into the creases if its not the basic tube bundt.
Lightly toast the pecans in a pan over medium heat.  Roughly chop and sprinkle at the bottom of the bundt pan. Keep aside
In a large bowl, using a hand held mixer, cream together the butter and both sugars till light and fluffy.
Add the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition followed by mashed bananas, vanilla and rum. Mix well.
Sift in the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt and using the lowest setting on the mixer mix well till no traces of flour is seen.
Finally beat in the yoghurt and pour the batter into the cake pan, and bake in the centre rack of the oven for about 60 to 80 minutes, or till a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean.
While the cake is baking, make the rum glaze.
Mix all the ingredients for the glaze in a saucepan on medium high heat and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to medium and simmer for about 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and keep warm.

Once the cake is done, transfer to a wire rack and cool for about five minutes.
Poke holes in the cake and pour half the glaze all over as evenly as possible.
Cool for a further five minutes and then invert on to a serving plate.
Spoon the remaining glaze on to the cake, bit by bit and let it stand till all the glaze has been absorbed. 
Wait till the cake cools completely to slice and serve.

Notes: The cake has a really strong flavour of rum. Omit the rum in the glaze if you are not a rum fan.
Use good, ripe bananas and this cake will be fabulous. I used the Indian bananas as opposed to the ones you get in the supermarkets here.

Saturday 31 July 2021

Absolutely flavourful rice

Basmati rice- 2 cups
Coconut oil- 1 tbsp
Cardamom- 4 pods
Cinnamon- 2, 1 inch sticks
Cloves- 4
Cumin seeds- 1 tsp
Garlic- 1 heaped tbsp, finely chopped
Coconut milk- 2 1/4 cups
Chicken stock- 2 cups*
Salt- to taste
Fried onions- to garnish

Wash and soak the basmati rice for about 20 minutes.
Heat coconut oil in a heavy bottom pan and throw in the whole spices.
Once they sizzle and becomes fragrant add the garlic and saute on medium heat till they become a bit brown.
Drain the rice and add to the mix, sauteing well and making sure it doesnt stick to the bottom.
Increase heat to high and pour in the coconut milk and chicken stock.
Give a good mix, check salt and add if required.
Once it comes to a boil, reduce heat to low and close the pan with a well fitting lid.
Cook for about 12 minutes or till the rice is well done.
Keep closed for about 10 minutes after which fluff the rice, garnish with friend onions and serve warm.

Notes:*I used 2 Knorr chicken stock cubes diluted in 2 cups of hot water.
You know how long your rice would take to cook, so cook accordingly.
Add a lemongrass along with the stock and it gives a different flavour.
The rice is incredibly flavourful and so simple to make.