
Tuesday 9 March 2010

Kerala Beef Fry (Beef ularthiyathu)

I still haven't gotten over my pressure cooker phobia after this episode and so prefer to use it only when Ro or someones around. In spite of that, each time the whistle sounds, i jump out of my skin and everyone has a good laugh except my husband who thinks its high time i grew out of it. Easy for him to say hmpffff!
One of the first blogs i started following on a regular basis was that of Sig's and if at all there was a wee bit of inspiration, it was because of her. The first recipe i tried of hers was the Kerala Beef fry and it was alright, not perfect like hers. I just couldn't get the colour right and I'm sure taste-wise it wasn't anywhere near hers as well. I went on and learned how to make it my mom-in-law way and have stuck to that always. But then, I came across the Blog Bites event hosted by One Hot Stove and noticed that the first edition was on Cookers. Also, one of the rules mentioned I should try a recipe from another food blog and I thought I should give Sig's recipe another go. And this time it was way better than my first trial. I almost managed the colour and taste was also brilliant.

Here are some of the details:
I followed Sig's recipe to the dot and used my Hawkins Contura Anodized Pressure Cooker which we got as a wedding gift..about 4 years old now:). One thing i added were the curry leaves which as Sig mentioned is not really an option but since there was a ban on curry leaves in the US at that time, she had to do without it. I added tonnes of it like she mentioned and it sure did make a difference. Thanks to Sig for all those mouth watering dishes that have inspired me to lift a finger.
Some of the other pressure cooker recipes i have tried are:
Spinach Dal, Beef Curry inspired by mariasmenu, Dal Fry and the Chicken Curry from yours truly :)

I almost forgot, I would love to thank the duo of Adukala Vishesham for passing on this award. I must add, that my husband gets way more excited than me when he sees awards on my blog and i really didn't know he subscribed to my blog till a few days back..i was incredibly touched :)
I think i have already been scandalous and mentioned things about me. You can read it here. And I would like to pass this award to two of my good friends Miri of In Vogue at Home and Swar of Whats Cooking Today in particular..all others, like i have mentioned before, are awesome cooks and are incredibly creative, so feel free to grab the award, brag about it, display it on you blog and link it back to whoever awarded it, share 10 things about yourself and pass on the award to anyone you like.


  1. My all time fav dish..Looks perfect and simply superb...

  2. nish....the color n' texture looks really good...better than ur previous blog (if i may say so) mine never comes out like this.....i don't know where i'm going recipe is really different from that of the one you have used the next time i buy beef i'm definitely gonna give this one a try.

  3. Thanks for a great entry- I've added it to the round up!

  4. my favourite fry..irresistable :)

  5. thanks for the award nish..finally will have something to post after long time in my personal blog :P

  6. This is a family fav here and we had it for lunch today :-)This looks too good with thaose "thengakkothu" :-)

  7. thank u so much for the badge nish...*blush*...i forgot to thank u before...shows how much i know about them...;)

  8. My fav!!! look perfect and adipoli..

  9. It looks really good Nisha, I love the way the beef looks inside the pressure cooker. I am so tempted to go home and make this again today.

  10. Nisha, am so glad i stumbled onto here..that recipe has probably a lot of people drooling.!!
