
Wednesday 10 March 2010

Eating healthy gone down the drain

Oh well...i knew it better than anyone else that i couldn't stick to all that gyan i gave about eating healthy. I have however reduced my cake/cookie/ brownie baking to once a week and have started eating fruits instead. Have also made it a point to have more veggies along with meals...even if its just blanched and seasoned and maybe a dash of salad dressing too. I would like to say low fat dressing, but sorry, its there goes the eating healthy bit.
Anyhoo...i was watching the latest episode of Desperate Housewives and in between the lesbian-ic tensions between Katherine and stripper Robin, I managed to catch the name of the French toast Katherine was making. She made it with this bread called Brioche and i had to find out what it was. Google came to my rescue and i learned that it was this super high calorie bread with a high egg and butter content. Opened Sainsbury's website and searched for the same, and as luck might have it, they did have the Brioche bread. Off i went to S (after DH of course) and after hunting around in the bakery/ fresh bread section for a while i came across different varieties of the Brioche bread. There was the loaf, the long buns and the ones with chocolate chips etc. I opted for the long buns. Came back home and couldn't wait to try it. It is incredibly soft and mildly sweet and i loved gorging on it just like topping, no filling nothing. Sunday brunch was the Brioche French Toast with caramelised bananas, I had already decided. See Ro was wrong...mindless drama like DH did inspire me after all :P

Brioche buns- 4
Eggs- 2, beaten well
Milk- 1/2 cup (I used whole milk)
Vanilla extract- 1 tsp
Sugar- 2 tbsp (optional)
Cinnamon powder- a pinch

For the caramelised bananas:
Ripe bananas- 2, sliced lengthwise
Brown sugar- 3 tbsp
Butter- 1 tbsp
Orange juice- 1 tsp (optional)

Beat together eggs, milk, vanilla, sugar and cinnamon powder till nice and frothy.
In a casserole dish, place the four brioche buns and pour the egg/ milk mixture over it. make sure they are all well soaked.
Heat a non stick frying pan and toast on either side, till light brown.

In a sauce pan melt the butter and brown sugar till it forms a caramel like consistency. Add the banana slices to the pan and coat them with the same for about two to three minutes. Don't over do it though.
Arrange the toast on a serving plate, place the caramelised bananas on top and drizzle the left over caramel syrup.

Notes: You need not pour the egg mixture over the brioche, you can also dip and toast all of them like how you do a french toast.
If you are not eating them immediately, keep them warm in an oven. I could toast all four of them at one go in my frying pan.
You can add a dab of butter to the pan before toasting, if its not non-stick
I am yet to master the art of caramelising without burning it and so mine looks a bit watery...

PS: The pic doesn't do justice, but trust me this was delicious.


  1. Dear,
    Its okay to let down your hair once in a while. Every time I binge on high calorific foods, the next few days I graze on healthy stuff like greens and such. The dish does look wonderful!
    BTW, I will be sending those photos today.

  2. Lassie...i binge on high calorie food every day :(

  3. Fabulous and mouthwatering food...

  4. That's a perfect toast ..and I love caramelized bananas..Rich and yumm breakfast..(i don't mind taking a high calorie

  5. Dear,
    I did some research on this guest post thing..I sent u some details in the mail. Do check.

  6. You are doing great girl. Where do u get all this inspiration from???

  7. Lassie...shall chk it out
    Pointblank...Desperate Housewives ;)

  8. LOL - it looks yum what can I say? My diet now consists of banana-vanilla milkshakes with some dates thrown in. It's all I can do to not gag at times. Tempted to throw in ice-cream but again, the fat is the worrying factor, though it makes ALL the difference :O)

    Will send in that guest post soon I promise. Have developed neck pain again from sitting on comp too long.

  9. wow!!! that looks mouthwatering :)

  10. nish....this looks divine! inspired by DH is it? lol...who wud've thought right? usual i think the picture has come out really well too...
