
Tuesday 30 July 2019

Mango mousse cake

Serves 13 to 16
For the sponge cake follow this recipe 
Double it and make 2 cakes.

Sugar syrup
Caster sugar- 1/2 cup
Water- 1/2 cup 

Mango mousse
Mango puree- 2 cups
Powdered sugar- 1/4 cup (adjust as per the sourness of the puree)
Powdered gelatin- 3 tsp
Warm water- 7 tbsp
Double cream (whipping cream)- 600ml (around 2 cups)

Mango mirror glaze
Mango puree- 1/2 cup
Powdered sugar- 2 tbsp (adjust according to sourness)
Powdered gelatin- 3 tsp
Warm water- 5tbsp

Make the sugar syrup by mixing together the sugar and water and heating it in a microwave for about 30 to 45 seconds, just enough to melt the sugar completely. You can do this on the stove top as well.

For the mousse, mix the powdered sugar and mango puree together in a bowl and keep aside.
Mix the gelatin powder with 7 tbsp of hot water. Stir well to dissolve the gelatin completely.
Add this to the mango puree and mix well.
Whip double cream to a soft peak consistency using a hand beater or a free standing mixer with whisk attachment. 
Add the mango puree to the whipped cream and fold till well combined
When ready to assemble, place one sponge cake on a tray large enough to accommodate it and brush the sugar syrup over the entire cake. This is to moisten the cake. 
Pour over half of the mango mousse on to the cake and using an offset spatula spread it over the cake as evenly as possible. 
Top with the second cake and brush with the remaining sugar syrup.
Pour over the remaining mango mousse and smoothen it out as much possible.
Place in the refrigerator for a minimum of 4 hours or best overnight.

For the mango mirror glaze, add the mango puree and sugar together in a bowl.
Mix the gelatin powder with 5 tbsp of hot water. Stir well to dissolve the gelatin completely.
Add this to the mango puree and mix well.
Pour over the set mango mousse layer. Its ok if it spills over the sides, but make sure you cover the entire top of the mousse.
Keep in the refrigerator to set for at least 3 to 4 hours.

When ready to serve, slice off the edges to get neat servings.
Cut into squares, garnish with mango slices, berries and mint leaves and serve.


  1. hey i am planning on making this, what are the dimensions of the sponge cake. please reply asap thank you and i can’t wait to try this out :)

  2. hey i was wondering how big is the cake, and how much mousse does this recipe make, im planning on making this cake in two days. please respond asap. Can’t wait to see how it turns out :)

  3. Hi sorry for the delay in replying.
    The cake measurement Makes 1, 9x12" sheet cake. You will need to double it if you want to get around 16 slices. If you want to make a smaller cake then just make one sheet cake and cut into two, you should get a cake thats around 6 to 8 slices depending on how (big) you slice it.
    The mousse recipe gives you enough mousse to make a large cake of 16 pieces. If you are doing it with only one sheet cake then halve the mousse recipe.
    Hope this helps.

  4. Hello Nisha

    thank you very much for this recipe. look forward to trying it very soon. can you please give me your recipe for Mango mousse using agar agar thank you


  5. im so sorry harjini i havent tried this with agar agar so not able to comment. im assuming the similar quantity of gelatin should work?
