
Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Sponsored video: Glorious Nothing Days by Anchor

This is such an apt topic for me to talk about, because I am a big fan of 'glorious nothing days.' Much to the extent that I wonder if I should be celebrating the 'doing something days' rather than the other way round. Any-ways, the point is that, everyone, even my energised, enthusiastic, husband has days when he wants to do nothing.

For me, a day like that would start off with waking up late, then a leisurely breakfast of coffee and pastry from the next door bakery and then sitting down with my laptop to catch up on stuff. Lunch would either be at the pub in the village or a late one with friends in a restaurant we've been dying to check out. The sun would be out, the shorts would be worn and there would be loads of cocktails and beers doing the rounds. We'd finish off with dessert and if we are not too tired, catch a movie or head back home and retire on the couch with some green tea and conversation. A day spent just the way you like.

Anchor's campaign 'Glorious Nothing Days' tells you to do just that. Sunny days spent at the park reading a book, or baking that cake you'd bookmarked aeon's ago, or deciding to suddenly go on a long drive or just staying at home in your pj's. Whatever be your scene, if you manage to take a snapshot of your perfect day by selecting four images to set the scene then you'll be in with a chance of winning a set of exclusive personalised Anchor aprons.

Head on over to the Anchor website for full details and also watch this cute video of 3 families enjoying their perfect day.

This is a sponsored video for Anchor

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