
Thursday 11 February 2010

Borrowed recipes: trial & error

As you might have already noticed, i have given my blog a make-over. If you haven't, I'm a bit bummed, but its ok..not everyone can be as excited as i am about the blog make-over. I had too much time on my hands yesterday and so played around with the blog features a bit. Did some Picasa edits and after numerous trials and errors i finally came up with this new interface. I tried to incorporate the previous header text, but it was a bit 'in your face' and so decided to chuck it. So, what do you think? I think variety is the spice of life and that's exactly what i did to my food blog, 'SPICEd' it up a bit. I love it :)
I haven't been cooking the past couple of days mainly because we had so much left over from the weekend and then it was Ro's birthday on Tue and we ate out etc. Did i mention that the Buffalo wings tasted even better the next day? The sauce flavour is so much more stronger and it has nicely caught on to the wings. Its like biryani..the longer you keep, the better its tastes. So the next time don't feel bad if you cant finish your wings all at once. Keep it refrigerated and feast on it the next day. Tastes twice as nice.

I finally decided to get off my ass and make something for dinner yesterday. Made the Beef Vindaloo from Cicily's blog and mine didn't look half as nice as hers. I think i goofed up somewhere and have promised myself, I'd give it a try again...this time with more patience. Thanks Cicily, for sharing the recipe. Shall do a better job next time and post a pic.

I also tried out the Aloo Methi (Potato & Fenugreek leaves) preparation from eCurry. This was my first trial with methi leaves, and i must say I'm not too disappointed. I usually don't getmethi leaves at the local grocery store. I have to go all the way to an Indian store to get em. A couple of days back i was browsing through Asda and saw one last bunch of methileaves, and pounced on it (ya literally). Asked them if it was a regular and they said no, and gave me some gyan about it. Ro somehow is not a big fan of methi leaves, he says it reminds him of hostel days, and so i don't think id go out of my way to get them. Also because one bunch is quite a bit and i still have some left over which I'm going to use for methi dal which my friend R swears by. Here is a pic of my preparation. I followed Soma's recipe to the dot. Thank you Soma.

I also made some cabbage thoran and that didn't disappoint me either. I followed the same beans and carrot thoran recipe, except it was just white cabbage this time. I am not sure if there is another or better way to do this, but if there is, do let me know and i would love to give it a go. Sharing the pic.


  1. Thanks a bunch for the mention. I am really glad that you liked it.

    You ahve a lovely space here!

  2. I am loving the new look Nish! Looks so professional.

  3. yeah di, noticed ur new theme.. btw, i think u should include that header text smwhere... It gives a personality to ur blog.

  4. Thanks soma for stopping by
    neets...Hmm ya even i think that wud have been gud, but it just wasnt going with the working on somethin..lets c
    Jane..thanks a lot

  5. Girl the new header looks awesome but yeah try putting ur text somewhere in between or below instead of above.

    And start putting ur signature on ur pictures...they r looking so good tht u r soon going to find them being used by miscreants;-P

  6. About the cabbage thoran, do the seasoning in the end, it really makes a difference.
    And if u like coriander leaves u can garnish them with it...I like the flavour it imparts.

  7. So what do you do in just dry roast the coconut with all the other ingredients, add the cabbage and cook it and just before you take it off the heat...season it with mustard and oil and curry leaves or what??? plssss tell me how...
    Wow you can garnish with coriander leaves? i love anything with coriander leaf garnish.
    About the header..yeah im working it out

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. the changes looks good.. if possible watermark your pics.. they are really good... dont give anyone a chance to copy it and reuse it as theirs... sometimes we make cabbage thoran with only coconut and green chili mixture (both slightly crushed together).. no turmeric and chili powder... heat oil in a pan and splutter mustard seeds and add curry leaves... add the cabbage and coconut/green chili mixture.. mix well and cook it on medium or low flame.. give it a try

  10. I shall def try that version the next still figuring out how 2 watermark on picasa...thanks u guys

  11. check this link for more details abt watermark using picasa...

  12. Wow..that was incredibly helpful..thanks a lot....

  13. First steam cabbage, onion, tumeric prdr[just a pinch for a pale yellow colour]coconut, chilly and garlic together with very less or no water.
    Splutter mustard, onion & curryleaves in oil. Dont let it go too brown. Drop the steamed cabbage into it. stir for a few minutes. Take it off the stove and garnish coriander leaves[mix it in].

  14. hey..i tried it out your way..with a guess...i did the beans and carrot one was nice..though i thought it was a bit time consuming :)
    Thanks a lot

  15. yeah it is a bit time-consuming compared to the other but somehow I feel the taste is more enhanced this way;-P
