
Friday 29 January 2010

'Brunch' ed Up, eh?

Oh don't you just love the whole idea of a brunch? Well, I do and i love going out to brunch rather than staying at home and making one. Especially after a night out on Saturday, you wake up late on Sunday and head out to a restaurant, have a 3 hour long brunch and if you have friends joining you, even better. So today was brunch day and for a change i decided to do it at home. Boy was it so much more easier and fun to have brunch than to have breakfast at 10 and then get prepared for lunch by the time you are done cleaning up after breakky.
We started off with a rather rich and heavy Frittata, washed it down with a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice followed by buttermilk blueberry pancakes and a cuppa freshly brewed coffee. Yes, you guessed right..we were so full after that to even clean up and now i have a messy kitchen staring back at me. I thought id take a breather, come and blog about it and then get back to cleaning up (which basically means loading the dish washer) ;)

Bacon and Spinach Frittata
Frittata is an Italian omelet mixed with veggies, meats, cheese or rather anything of your choice and served open..and not folded. It is initially cooked on a hob top and finished off under a grill.

Bacon- 3 rashers, cooked and crumbled
Baby Spinach- 1 to 2 cups (depending on your taste. Ro didn't let me put more than a cup)
Garlic pods- 3, chopped fine
Spring onions- 3, chopped fine (both bulb and greens)
Garlic sausages- 3, cooked and chopped (optional)
Eggs- 4
Heavy cream- 30ml
Mature cheddar cheese- less than a 1/4 cup
Pepper powder- as required
Salt- to taste
Baking powder- a pinch (optional)

Clean the spinach leaves, drain and transfer them to a bowl and close with a lid. Cook in the microwave on high for about 2 minutes. Drain off the water and keep aside.
In a large frying pan, cook the bacon and sausages (if using) and preserve the oil.
If there is way too much oil, discard some and in the remaining, sautee the garlic and spring onions till light and fragrant.
Add the spinach, crumbled bacon and sausages. Season with some pepper powder and sautee for a few minutes. Check for salt and only then add, since the bacon and sausages will have some salt content in them.
Beat the eggs, cheddar cheese, cream, salt pepper and baking pwd in a bowl till light and fluffy.
Add this to the frying pan and mix well, without disturbing the ends too much. Try and distribute the filling evenly.
Cook on low fire for about 2 minutes and then cover and cook for a minute or two again. Transfer to a pre-heated grill for another 5 mins max..just to brown the top.
Cut into wedges and serve.

Notes: The garlic sausages were about to expire and so i added that too. The bacon would be good on its own or rather better, because somehow there was a conflict of flavours.
Whole milk can be used instead of heavy cream. I wanted to make sure we don't eat healthy today :)
Add mushrooms, carrots, peas or any veggie of your choice and make it an egg-etariandelight.
If you do not have an oven, you can just carefully turn the egg upside down to brown the top. Be careful shouldn't crack the beautiful round shape. Invert it on to a plate first and then insert that plate back into the frying pan to be double sure. Am i making sense?

Buttermilk Blueberry Pancakes
This is my first time with buttermilk pancakes and i must say it does make a difference to the texture and a slight taste variation. Or am i imagining it, i don't know. I asked Ro and he said he cant remember eating pancakes made by me at all....but clarified that the Tesco one tastes a whole lot different (good different or bad different is a very time consuming argument, so i left it at that)....Thanks for that baby, i am so stupid i didn't know! DUH!

All purpose flour- 1 cup
Sugar- 4 tbsp ( optional)
Baking powder- 3/4 tsp
Baking Soda- 1/4 tsp
Salt- 1/4 tsp
Egg- 1
Buttermilk- 1 cup
Butter- 2 tbsp, melted and cooled slightly
Vanilla extract- 1/4 tsp
Fresh Blueberries- 100 gms

Mix all the dry ingredients (first 5) together and keep aside.
Whisk together the remaining, except the blueberries, and add to the dry ingredients. Stir until it is just blended and then add the blueberries. Give a final stir and keep aside for about 5 to 10 minutes.
Heat a non-stick skillet and pour in one ladle full of batter. After about 3 minutes, bubbles start appearing on top and at that time, flip and cook for another 2 minutes or till golden brown. Repeat till the entire batter is used up. I got about 10 medium size pancakes.
Drizzle some maple syrup, butter or even honey and serve with fresh blueberries on the side. Wanna die sooner? Add some whipped cream :0

Note: Buttermilk can be substituted with whole milk
I tried using an electric grill for the pancakes, but it was surprisingly taking too long and the bubbles were just not there...Hob top skillet is the best.
Use bananas, chocolate chips, strawberries in the place of blueberries, and I'm sure the result will be as 'fruitful' :)

Phew! that was awfully long, i think i'll get Ro to clean up ;)


  1. Wonderful clicks...and bacons in fritata!!! yummy...

  2. The frittata sounds interesting....and yummy ofcourse;-D. All those heavy ingredients, it must quite filling huh!!!
    My pancakes are the same except tht I put only baking pwdr.

    Ur pictures are getting better and better everyday:-)

  3. Cicily...thank u so much
    Reflections...yeah it was really heavy:) and the pancakes, it was my first time with buttermilk and i wanted to follow a recipe per se. Otherwise yeah i only add baking powder.
    Thank god, someone's noticed that my pics are getting better haha..we invested in a high end DSLR cam and its paying off well, i must add. Thanks so much
