
Tuesday 19 January 2010

Ah, so thats how a thoran is made!

As you might have already guessed from the title, yesterday i learned how exactly to make an authentic mallu speciality- the thoran (vegetables of your choice with coconut). Till now i was making a mezhukupuratti (something entirely different), throwing in some coconut and calling it a thoran and wondered why it never turned out the sadya (feast) way. Ro used to shout at me asking why i am so stingy when it comes to putting coconut in my thoran and i used to retaliate saying, too much was not healthy. This time i went home, i saw my mom, mom-in-law using coconut oil lavishly and when questioned they said according to recent developments coconut oil was the apparently maintains cholesterol levels. Now that's news. So anyways, yesterday i decided to go veg. (basically i was lazy to go out and shop) and made a carrot and beans thoran and boy did it taste good. And its easy too. I followed Maria's recipe to the dot and it was perfect. Thanks Maria, i now know how different a thoran is from the mezhukupuratti. Ro thought it tasted different. 'Dude that's cos its the real thing.' He is so used to eating the shit i make, that if you give him the real thing he would say its horrible. Now i would say that's good training :)


  1. It looks very colourful and pretty. We have so much of coconut that's matured here that my in-laws brought along. I love the coconut taste so now make do with a light sprinkling of coconut oil.

  2. I don get coconut oil guess what i use..the parachute oil..which serves the purpose:)

  3. All my ingredients are the same except tht I do the tadka in the end;-)

  4. Ya i vaguely rem my mom in law doing the same? Is it any better?

  5. Hey Nisha

    Thanks dear for trying out this :) glad you liked it.

    Please check out your thoran pic in the below links, thanks again :)


  6. Yep I think it makes a difference....the thoran doesnt lose its colour and is more crisp, try it out:-)

  7. excellent. i am choosy. n i'd like it like this.
