
Wednesday 30 December 2009

Vegetable Pulao

I'm back after my 6 week vacation in India and loving every minute of it. Haven't started cooking, full fledged, but putting together stuff here and there. The holiday season is in full swing and so we have just been chilling out at home cuddling up on the sofa with hot chocolate and watching silly movies. Also went and shopped quite a bit on Boxing Day....the crowds were crazy but i still loved every bit of it. I'm not bragging for long..I'm seriously lazy to type and even lazier to take pics of the food i make. So here's one from the drafts which i made just 2 days before i left to India when we had a couple of relatives over for dinner. I think this is the first time ever that a pulao has turned out this well for me. Ro was beaming from ear to ear.

I followed maria's recipe to the dot except that i sauteed one small onion and 2 green chillies (slit) after the spices, added the peas and carrot and mixed well. Then added the rice and cooked it altogether till done.


  1. Good to see you back. Was wondering where you had disappeared :)
    The pulao looks so colorful. I love veg pulao.

  2. So u r back:-))!!!

    The pulao looks good:-))!!!!!

  3. Come over, U've been awarded:-))!!!!
