
Saturday 10 October 2009

Baked tuna steak with garlic and rosemary

Saturday brunch is completely taken over by Ro while i sit around watching something on TV or browsing and if i feel a bit enthu, id help him chop the veggies or something. But most probably, i avoid being in the same space with Ro which ultimately ends up in a fight about 'the masala containers don't go there' and the 'this is not how you should be doing it' sagas. So this Saturday was one of those days and i just sat and watched the episodes of HIMYM while Ro went out, bought fresh tuna steaks and decided to do a conti preparation.
This is a recipe from the BBC good food guide and we had it with jacket potatoes, steamed veggies and this new Belgian fruit beer we discovered called fruli.
Verdict: The fish was way too fishy for my taste and i ended up having left over pizza from the previous night. So I'm warning you, if you are not a big fan of fish (read bland and fishy), then this is definitely not for you. This is as Brit as it can get:) Also, the rosemary was a bit overpowering and i guess its an acquired taste.

All you need
Tuna steak- 1 or 2, about 200 gms (can be substituted with any white fish as well)
Roasted garlic- 3 cloves (drizzle the garlic cloves with some olive oil and salt, wrap them in foil and roast in a hot for about 10mins)

Dry red chilli- 1, crushed
A few sprigs of rosemary
Dry white wine- 3 tbs
A pinch of salt
Extra virgin olive oil- 25ml
Parsley- a few sprigs, chopped
Lemon- half, squeezed

Preheat the oven to 220C.
Make a paste of all the above ingredients (except the wine) and generously rub over the steaks.
Place a large aluminium foil, large enough to hold the fish steaks, on the kitchen top and cover with a baking paper, almost the same size. Fold over the edges so that both the foil and paper are joint at the edges. It should look like a bag.
Now place the marinated steaks into this and pour the wine over this along with the roasted garlic. Make sure you crush it a bit so that the flavours get infused with the gravy. Seal the bag and place inside the oven. The fish steams inside and so the bag has to be sealed well. Cook for 15 minutes. Once done, serve the steaks on a plate and pour the gravy over.

Notes: The same marinade can be used for white fish or even prawns
Jacket potatoes are the easiest. Cook them in the microwave for about 10 to 12 minutes, turning occasionally and once a knife cuts through easily, take it out and slice them into quarters, but not all the way. Apply some butter or load it with cheddar cheese and about 2 or 3 mins before the fish gets done, chuck the potatoes into the oven as well. This is just to melt the cheddar.


  1. The baked potato looks YUMMY :O)

  2. Ur presentation is good:-))!!!!

    The steak looks so pink;-o

    I made beef steak, mashed potatoes, grilled veggies last week for the 1st time & it came out pretty good;-D
