
Tuesday 1 September 2009

Squid in a spicy beer batter and kudos to myself on my 50th post!

I don't like squid in any other form, but batter fried. I have also never bought squid and was never planning to until last week when Ro and me went to the nearby super market and we saw some. We asked if they would cut it into rings but said they cant, but told us how to do so though. Ro got completely excited about the whole cutting process and we picked up about 200 gms, just cos we were clueless about how it would turn out. Ro cleaned and cut it and did what all..i have no clue. All i know was, it was stinking like crazy and i was running around lighting candles and turning on the room freshener. Nothing worked, but the squids came out awesome. We paired it with some apple cider and finished it all at one go.

Also, Happy Onam to all of you. I honestly wouldn't have realized it was Onam if it wasn't for the numerous status updates on Facebook. And since I'm in London, and since i don't know anyone who celebrates Onam, i have made reservations at a S. Indian restaurant this evening for an Onam sadya. This, after googling so so much, and convincing Ro it would be ok to try out a restaurant somewhere in Zone 4. Going purely by the reviews posted on certain websites, I'm assuming its not a weird place afterall. I am also darn happy that i hit my 50th post today which is not a milestone achievement but still, considering that i am such an awful and lazy cook, i think its a pretty neat accomplishment. I would have posted something better if i knew it was my 50th post, but i realised only half way through and so decided to go ahead with this anyway.

Squid rings- 200 gms
Flour- 5 tbs (heap)
Pepper pwd- 2 tsp
Paprika- 1/2 tsp
Beer- 2 tbs
Egg- 1 (beaten)
Salt- to taste

Oil- enough to fry

Mix all the ingredients and make a semi-liquid batter. Marinate the squid rings (make sure its well coated) for about half an hour and once the oil is hot, fry till golden brown. Drain well on paper towels and serve with a dip or pop it on its own.

Mix Mayo (3 tbs), Garlic paste (1/4 tsp) and Chilli sauce (1 tsp) well enough to make a loose paste.

Notes: Beer is optional. But it certainly adds to the taste
I used garlic mayo and so had to put in only the chilli sauce. Make sure the garlic is not too overpowering


  1. I am MAD about squid. We had a seafood place called Ocean's Basket back home so squid/calamari/prawn fry was pretty much what we ordered. Now we go nuts here too! High cholesterol but TOO tempting to resist. In the Asian joints here they sorta do a stir fry with a lot of spring onions n garlic...I am so hungry!!!

  2. Oh god now uve made me hungry...yeah a Chinese prep wud be good. But the whole place stinks so much di..

  3. heheh humm i have never liked squid much...tried it in different forms from all the kallu shapu...but my mom seems to love it...
    Congrats on the 50th post di

  4. Thanks kel:)
    Yeah not a big fan of squid either, but this one was alright except for the smell.

  5. hey nish...kudos to u....i really don't like squid either...but robin loves might convince myself to try this recipe one of these days...:)

  6. Not th easiest...but tasted quite ok..i made sure it wasnt fishy at all.

  7. Great to come across your site. i love cooking and specially squid. This recipe is so easy.
