
Monday 20 July 2009

Sunday Brunch

Weekend was so so boring with absolutely nothing to do. Ro was on a training programme and I had to stay put at home cos the weather was not all that great and the lazy part of me just took over and i spent all day watching silly movies, one after the other. Sunday, I woke up with full enthusiasm to make brunch and also submit it to 'Dinner and a movie' event hosted by Susan of Sticky gooey creamy chewy. But like a million other things, this also fizzled out half way through and i was no longer interested. Yes, that's the story of my life. Even though the brunch was awesome, the pics just didn't turn out well and so i skipped the event this time. Maybe next time il be more driven and wont get bored in between. I am anyway posting the brunch recipe here.

The recipes are from the Low GI Diet Cookbook, so i must warn you its healthy :)

Egg omelet with chives and dill

Egg- 1
Milk- 1 tbs
Pepper pwd- 1/2 tsp
Chives- 1/2 tsp, thinly sliced
Dill- 1/2 tsp- finely chopped
Salt- to taste

Whisk together egg, milk, pepper, chives and dill in a small bowl. Heat a non stick pan over medium heat and add the egg mixture. Cover and cook for about three minutes, or till the egg is done. I like mine well done, so i cook it a bit longer. This can be made scrambled as well.

Portobello mushrooms with feta and roasted tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes- 8 to 10
Balsamic vinegar- 1 tbs
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)- 2 tbs
Lemon juice- 1 tsp
Dill- 1/2 tbs, chopped
Portobello mushrooms or any flat mushroom- 2, stems trimmed
Feta cheese- 4 or 5 small cubes, low fat preferably
Pepper pwd- to taste
Salt- to taste

Preheat the oven to 180C.
Combine 1 tbs of EVOO, lemon juice and dill in a bowl and season with pepper. Brush the mushrooms generously with the oil marinade and place stem side down on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
In the same baking tray, place the cherry tomatoes and drizzle balsamic vinegar, 1rest of the EVOO and sprinkle with pepper and salt.
Place in the oven and cook for 8 minutes or till the tomatoes are soft. Take the baking tray out and move the tomatoes onto a serving plate. Turn the mushrooms over, crumble some feta cheese over the top and spoon over the remaining marinade. Cook for another 3 to 4 minutes in the oven, or until the mushrooms are soft. Serve warm with the roasted tomatoes.

I had the above with a slice of whole wheat bread and back bacon and finished it off with a cup of fresh strawberries. It was a hearty meal which kept me satisfied the whole day.
Notes: If you are making a brunch for more than two people, then scrambled eggs are a better option, just increase the number of eggs, mushrooms, ingredients etc. as per requirement.
Low fat cheese and milk are optional. Not on a regular basis though! Since the quantities used are less, i don't think it could harm you that much.
Dill and chives have a very distinct flavour, and may not be a favourite of many. Try it out first with a small quantity and if you like the taste then you can be more generous the next time.


  1. something so simple n' you have made it look delicious...well why don't you submit it anyways? it's not too late...

  2. Wow that some delicious brunch !

  3. Miri- Nah the deadline is over!
    Parita- Thanks a lot for stopping by.

  4. You made that brunch just for you? You're my kinda gal! :) Oh and I see baccccconnnnnnn!

  5. Sig..Yeah i did tht jus for myself :)
    And ofcourse, no bf is complete without baconnn.

  6. Whooohoooo!!! Loving the pics! You are becoming a pro food writer! :D
