
Friday 10 July 2009

Beef Stir Fry with Thai Noodles

This is my own version of a beef stir fry as the umpteen sites i browsed for a recipe had major complicated stuff and ingredients i didn't have, so here's my version. Since its my version, its obviously an easy lazy one:)

Lean beef- 400 gms, cleaned and diced lengthwise
Shallots- 4, sliced lengthwise
Green chillies- 2, slit lengthwise
Red/green/yellow/orange pepper (Capsicum)- 1, cut lengthwise
Spring onion- 1 big, cut in circles
Cornflour- 2 tbs
Soy sauce- 5 tsp
Fish sauce- 1/2 tsp
Ginger paste- 1 tsp heaped
Garlic paste- 1 tsp heaped
Chilli pwd- 1/2 tsp
Maggi seasoning sauce- 1 tsp
Oil- enough to deep fry the beef slices
Salt- to taste
Coriander leaves- 1 tbs, finely chopped (optional)

Marinate the beef slices with 3 tsp soy sauce, chilli pwd, ginger and garlic paste and refrigerate for half an hour. Meanwhile have all your veggies cut and ready.
Take some water in a bowl and mix the 2 tbs of cornflour to form a thick gravy. Pour this into the beef marinade and mix well. The cornflour should coat the beef. In a deep bottomed pan, heat the oil and when its boiling hot, put in the beef slices and deep fry in batches. Once crisp and brown, remove with a slotted spoon and drain on a kitchen towel.
In a frying pan, heat about 2 tbs of oil (leftover from frying) and sautee the onions and peppers. Once it becomes soft, add the green chillies, fish sauce, the remaining 1 tsp of soy sauce and the Maggi seasoning sauce. Mix well. At this stage you check the salt and spiciness and add more if required. Next, add the fried beef slices and mix well. On low fire, sautee the beef till they become a darker brown, mixed with all the masala. Just before you take it off the fire, throw in the spring onions and garnish with some coriander leaves if you fancy it.

Serve with noodles or fried rice. I made noodles with the Thai green curry paste. Stir fry mix is available with an assortment of veggies like bok choy, bamboo shoots, bell peppers etc. In a steaming hot wok, sautee the veggies with green curry paste and a generous dash of soy sauce. We get ready-made noodles which just needs to be put in at the last minute (yes, when i meant lazy i really meant LAZY). So add the noodles to the veggies, give it a final stir and you have steaming hot Thai Noodles.

Notes: The oil for frying needs to be really hot and so does the wok for the noodles.
Don't over fry the beef slices, because they can then become chewy. Trust me, i have been there, done that.


  1. i love chinese food and this looks so delicious!

  2. The beef turned out quite well, but the noodles wasnt too great!

  3. This looks too yummy for words :D

  4. Hey....just stumbled upon ur blog....and let me tell u , u have a beautiful apscei n here....and het as in the header, i dont think iu r a bad cook...recently i too got into the mood of thai cooking, but still to find the ingredients before starting....IAm actually someone who loves to cook from scratch, so would try making red curry paste and green curry paste from scratch...loved ur Thia dishes!! and many others too....following you, so that i can hit back anytime i need to refer:)

    By the way, that beef curry looks delicious!

  5. Hey....just stumbled upon ur blog....and let me tell u , u have a beautiful apscei n here....and het as in the header, i dont think iu r a bad cook...recently i too got into the mood of thai cooking, but still to find the ingredients before starting....IAm actually someone who loves to cook from scratch, so would try making red curry paste and green curry paste from scratch...loved ur Thia dishes!! and many others too....following you, so that i can hit back anytime i need to refer:)
